
Pedelecs Case




Investigation of multi toxins

No more waiting for just Cr6+ Hexavalent Chromium and CrT to be regulated by the law, with some hypothetical background concentration number in ppb. AS TO NEEDLES, TOPOCK AND MOJAVE VALLEY Identical to Hinkley, CA, in secrecy, investigation has commenced, based upon the completed preliminary initial best electric bike and undercover, in secrecy, investigation, which revealed alleged toxin's plume spanning over 18 mile from the PG&E Topock's natural gas compressor station containing over 11 toxins, anticipated to reach over 17 regulated toxins, with Chromium (VI) Cr6+included. [Incriminating facts about Municipal Water] AS TO HINKLEY, CA Undercover, in secrecy, investigation of multi toxins was just completed, with extremely legally incriminating results, to be presented only before Court Jury, State/Federal Grand Jury. [For Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+), plume length of 11 mile in Hinkley derives from 4,100 ppb, 18 mile in Needles from 11,900 ppb] Reason for identical investigation of toxins in ground waters and soils is based upon the fact that the PG&E' compressor station in Topock is identical, in operation and has used the same toxins for the past 60 years, as Hinkley, with tests at private sewage, in Needles/Topock/Mojave Valley, in lieu of directly from the Municipal Water Wells. Focus on the rest of regulated multi toxins discharged by the PG&E' natural gas compressor stations, identical operations at Hinkley and in Topock and on the massive cover-up, cahoots, conspiracy, bribery, contempt, transpired for past two decades. Each set of the multi toxins containers, was for each individual litigant, within the lawsuit filed by the Superlawyers from the law firm Callahan-Blaine against PG&E All we can tell to the World is, that PG&E - Pacific Gas and Electric Company will be the LOOSER in any judicial venue, as well as all of those,charged with enforcement, Government Agencies, that were instituted by the People of this country to protect the People's health, safety,welfare,limb,wealth and their private realty's properties.

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